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Business Writing Strategy: Template that Really Works

“Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic.” – J.K. Rowling 

Simple Writing Pays Off (Literally) (Birchard, 2022)

-   Minimize adverbs and adjectives: Utilize strong verbs and nouns. As adverbs and adjectives can often impede clarity.

-   Break down complex ideas: Break down lengthy thoughts and sentences.

-   Cut caveats: While every argument may have exceptions and every topic may require context, unless explicitly referencing disclaimers, reduce the use of something that hides something else.

-   Clean out residue and remove unnecessary content: With each revision, refine, reinforce, reiterate, and restate. Review and eliminate extraneous wording.

-   Keep it short and concise: Avoid exceeding the length necessary for your audience's comprehension.


In an era where screens and emojis dominate our interactions, the power of the written word remains unmatched. Despite the prevalence of rapid digital communication, writing skills are more crucial than ever, particularly for business management students. Effective written communication can open doors to numerous opportunities, foster personal growth, and provide significant advantages to working professionals. Proficient writing abilities are indispensable for individuals in the professional context. The ability to communicate clearly, cogently, and logically is necessary for adeptly conveying messages to coworkers, staff, and superiors, as well as for promoting any concepts, goods, or services you may be presenting.

Three-Step Writing Process

The Three-Step Writing Process is a structured approach to writing that helps ensure clarity, effectiveness, and efficiency in communication. The process consists of three key stages:

1. Prewriting (Planning)

-   Purpose Identification: Define the purpose of your communication. Understand what you want to achieve, whether it is to inform, persuade, request, or entertain.
-  Audience Analysis: 
Identify your audience and consider their needs, expectations, and level of understanding. Tailor your message to be relevant and appropriate for them.
-  Research and Gathering Information: 
Collect and organize relevant information, data, or content that supports your purpose and meets the needs of your audience.
-    Outline: 
Create a rough outline or structure for your content to organize your ideas logically and coherently.

2. Writing (Drafting)

-   Compose the Message: Write the first draft of your content based on the outline. Focus on getting your ideas down without worrying too much about perfection at this stage.

-   Introduction: Craft an engaging introduction that captures attention and sets up the purpose of your message.

    Body: Develop the main content with clear, well-organized points supported by evidence or examples. Ensure logical flow and coherence.

-   Conclusion: Summarize key points and include a clear call-to-action or closing statement, depending on the purpose of the communication.

3. Revising (Editing and Proofreading)
-   Review and Revise: 
Review the draft for clarity, coherence, and organization. Make necessary revisions to improve structure, flow, and content.
-   Editing: 
Check for grammatical errors, punctuation, spelling mistakes, and consistency. Ensure that the language is appropriate for the audience and purpose.
-    Proofreading: 
Conduct a final check for any remaining errors or issues. Ensure that the content is polished and professional before finalizing.

By following these steps, you can produce clear, effective, and well-organized written communication that achieves its intended purpose and resonates with your audience.

HBR Guide to Better Business Writing (Garner, Baryan A., 2012)

1. Clarity and Conciseness: Effective business writing is clear, concise, and to the point. The guide emphasizes the importance of communicating your message in a straightforward manner, avoiding jargon, technical language, and unnecessary complexity. Clear and concise writing ensures that your message is understood by your audience.

2.  Audience-Centric Approach: Successful business writing starts with understanding your audience. The guide encourages writers to consider the needs, interests, and expectations of their readers when crafting their message. By tailoring your writing to your audience, you can ensure that your message resonates and achieves its intended purpose.

3.  Structure and Organization: The guide outlines strategies for structuring and organizing your writing effectively. This includes creating outlines or frameworks to plan your content, using headings and subheadings to guide the reader, and organizing information logically to enhance readability and comprehension.

4.   Clarity in Grammar and Style: Good grammar and style are essential for effective business writing. The guide provides tips for avoiding common grammatical errors, such as subject-verb agreement, punctuation mistakes, and sentence fragments. It also offers guidance on using language that is professional, precise, and appropriate for the context.

5.   Editing and Proofreading: The guide emphasizes the importance of editing and proofreading your writing before finalizing it. This includes reviewing your work for clarity, consistency, and accuracy, as well as checking for spelling and grammar errors. Taking the time to edit and proofread ensures that your writing is polished and professional.

6. Persuasive Communication: Effective business writing should also be persuasive. The guide offers strategies for making your writing more persuasive, such as using evidence, examples, and compelling arguments to support your points. Persuasive writing encourages readers to take action or make decisions based on your recommendations.

7.  Feedback and Revision: Like any skill, business writing improves with practice and feedback. The guide encourages writers to seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, or trusted advisors and to use this feedback to revise and refine their writing. Continuous improvement is key to becoming a better business writer over time.


Dr. Karminder Ghuman, Head of MBA Department, LM Thapar School of Management, Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (Deemed to be University), Patiala 

Based on contents from the book: "The Art and Science of Effective and Impactful Business  Communication"


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