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Frequently Asked Questions in an Interview: How to Deal with and Answer them

1.    Tell me something about yourself?

Approach: Provide a brief overview of your professional background, relevant experiences, skills, and achievements. Tailor your response to highlight aspects of your career that are most relevant to the position you're applying for.

2.    What are your strengths?

Approach: Highlight strengths that are relevant to the job you're applying for. Provide specific examples or anecdotes that demonstrate how you've used these strengths to achieve success in your previous roles.

3.    What are your weaknesses?

Approach: Be honest but strategic when discussing weaknesses. Choose weaknesses that are not critical to the job you're applying for and discuss how you're actively working to improve them. Frame weaknesses positively by focusing on your efforts to overcome them.

4.    Why do you want to work here?

Approach: Demonstrate your knowledge of the company's values, mission, and culture. Discuss specific aspects of the company that appeal to you, such as its reputation, industry leadership, or opportunities for professional growth and development.

5.    Why are you leaving your current job?

Approach: Be diplomatic and focus on the positive reasons for seeking new opportunities, such as career advancement, seeking new challenges, or a desire for professional growth. Avoid speaking negatively about your current employer or colleagues.

6.    Describe a challenging situation you faced and how you handled it.

Approach: While answering this question, use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your response.              

-      Situation: Describe the specific situation or challenge you encountered

-      Task: the task it required

-      Action: actions you took to address it

-      Results: the positive outcomes or lessons learned as a result.

7.    Why should we hire you?

Approach: Highlight your unique qualifications, experiences, and skills that make you the best fit for the position. Discuss specific achievements or contributions that demonstrate your ability to excel in the role and add value to the organization.

8.    Where do you see yourself in five years?

Approach: Demonstrate ambition and a commitment to your career growth. Discuss your long-term career goals and how you see yourself progressing within the company based on your skills, experiences, and interests.

9.   What sets you apart from other candidates?

Employers aim to discern what makes you stand out among the candidates.

Approach: Concentrate on how your unique attributes would benefit the employer. By explaining how your background aligns with the job requirements, you can illustrate why your skills and qualifications make you an ideal fit.

Example: "What distinguishes me is my hands-on involvement in... With direct experience in..., I have insight into customer needs and the ability to cultivate positive consumer experiences through marketing."

10.    Why are you interested in joining our company?

Interviewers seek to ascertain if you've taken the time to research the company and understand why you believe you're a good match.

Approach: Familiarize yourself with the company's products, services, mission, history, and culture. Highlight aspects of the company that resonate with you and explain how they align with your career objectives.

Example: "The company's commitment to... truly resonates with me. I'm eager to contribute to a company that's making a meaningful impact. Prioritizing a supportive work environment and values that mirror my own has been a priority in my job search, and your company stands out as an ideal fit."

11.    What interests you about this position?

Hiring managers want assurance that you comprehend the role.

Approach: It’s an opportunity to showcase your relevant skills. Thoroughly reviewing the job description allows you to compare the role requirements with your skills and experiences. Select a few aspects of the role that particularly appeal to you or in which you excel, and emphasize those in your response.

Example: "I've always been passionate about... I'm excited that this company utilizes... as I have a strong background in... Additionally, I'm deeply committed to..., believing it's the most effective method to... In my previous role as..., I successfully implemented..., resulting in significant improvements in..."

12.    What drives your motivation?

Employers aim to evaluate self-awareness and ensure sources of motivation align with the role.

Approach: Provide concrete examples and tie your response to the job requirements so that you can demonstrate an alignment.

Example: "My motivation stems from making a tangible impact in... I'm driven by the prospect of seeing... thrive. This is why I pursued a career in... and why I'm eager to pursue..."

13.    What are your passions?

Employers seek insight into what energizes you and what you are deeply invested in. This information helps them assess if you're a good fit for the role and if it complements your broader goals.

Approach: Choose a passion that genuinely resonates with you, articulate why it's meaningful, provide examples of your pursuit of this passion, and relate it back to the job.

Example: "As an..., I thrive on crafting... for... and delivering top-notch services. My specialized training, coupled with my interpersonal abilities, has enabled me to establish enduring, trusted relationships that foster a loyal client base. These connections are what drive my excitement for work each day."

14. What are your salary expectations?

Approach: Research typical salary ranges for similar positions in your industry and geographic location. Provide a range rather than a specific number based on your research and the value you can bring to the role.

15. Do you have any questions for us?

Approach: Prepare thoughtful questions that demonstrate your interest in the company, the team, and the role. Ask about the company culture, growth opportunities, expectations for the role, or any recent developments within the organization.

By preparing and practicing responses to these frequently asked questions in the HR round of the interviews, one can feel more confident and prepared to navigate the interview process successfully. One can write answers to these questions and then improvise upon them before appearing for an interview.

Remember to tailor your responses to the specific job and company you're interviewing for, and always strive to present yourself in the best possible light to potential employers.

Dr. Karminder Ghuman, Head of MBA Department, LM Thapar School of Management,                                          Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology (Deemed to be University), Patiala

Based on contents from the book: "The Art and Science of Effective and Impactful Business Communication"


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