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Showing posts with the label Information Bubble

Information Bubble or Filter Bubble: How they Influence your Thoughts, Worldview, and Communication?

Information Bubble or Filter Bubble  is a phenomenon in which individuals are increasingly exposed to information and content that reinforces their existing beliefs, preferences, and interests while filtering out dissenting or contradictory viewpoints.  Information bubbles are facilitated by algorithms and digital technologies that curate and personalize online content based on users' past behaviours, preferences, and interactions. As a result, individuals may be exposed primarily to information that aligns with their pre-existing beliefs, creating a narrow and selective view of the world. Implications of Information/Filter Bubble: a. Limited Exposure to Diverse Perspectives: Individuals within information bubbles may have limited exposure to diverse viewpoints, opinions, and ideas that challenge or contradict their existing beliefs. This can lead to echo chambers, where people are only exposed to information that reinforces their biases, making it difficult to consider alternativ