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Showing posts with the label Most common mistakes in Group Discussion (GD)

Group Discussion (GD): Tips, Tactics, Do's and Don’ts, and Common Mistakes

Tips for Group Discussion (GD) §   Be patient ; Keep your cool if anyone says anything you object to. §   The key is to stay objective: Don't take the discussion personally. §   Remember the Seven Cs of effective communication: Clarity, Completeness, Conciseness, Confidence, Correctness, and Courtesy. §   Be responsive to ideas from other people and very receptive and open -minded. §   Don't allow others to change your viewpoint. Evaluators are looking for a range of different skills. You may think leadership is key and want to demonstrate this in a discussion, but you need to be careful not to dominate the discussion, as this may come across as aggressive. §   Often, participants think that success in GD depends on their decibel levels, i.e., how much they speak and how loud they speak. Ironically, It's the opposite. §   Only Quality pays. §   Rounding the discussion off when about 2-3 minutes are left, someone in the group must take the initiative a