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Group Discussion (GD): Tips, Tactics, Do's and Don’ts, and Common Mistakes

Tips for Group Discussion (GD) §   Be patient ; Keep your cool if anyone says anything you object to. §   The key is to stay objective: Don't take the discussion personally. §   Remember the Seven Cs of effective communication: Clarity, Completeness, Conciseness, Confidence, Correctness, and Courtesy. §   Be responsive to ideas from other people and very receptive and open -minded. §   Don't allow others to change your viewpoint. Evaluators are looking for a range of different skills. You may think leadership is key and want to demonstrate this in a discussion, but you need to be careful not to dominate the discussion, as this may come across as aggressive. §   Often, participants think that success in GD depends on their decibel levels, i.e., how much they speak and how loud they speak. Ironically, It's the opposite. §   Only Quality pays. §   Rounding the discussion off when about 2-3 minutes are left, someone in the group must take the initiative a

Group Discussion (GD): Tips to Prepare and Effective Participation

Group discussion (GD) is a test of interactive skills in a group setting. It is a tool usually employed for elimination rather than selection. Organizations make use of this tool to assess the group dynamics of a candidate based on his communication and interpersonal interaction and to reduce the pool of candidates lined up for personal interviews. The strength of a group for a GD usually varies between eight and twelve, and the atmosphere ranges from feigned teamwork and forced camaraderie to unbridled warfare and uncivilized mayhem. While participating in a GD, the candidates are expected to be able to not only articulate their viewpoint effectively but also to understand the other person's point of view while making their point and ensuring that the team as a whole reaches a win-win situation, a solution/agreement that is both feasible and accepted by all members of the team. Thus, a GD is a simulated managerial setting, and its evaluation parameters can be categorized into tw

Seven Tips to Succeed in a Job Interview

Attaining success in a job interview involves a combination of preparation, practice, and self-awareness.  Here are some steps you can take to enhance your chances to emerge successful in a  job interview: 1.   Research the company and the role : Familiarize yourself with the company's mission, values, products/services, and recent news. Understand the job requirements, responsibilities, and expectations for the role you're interviewing for. This knowledge will help you tailor your communication to align with the company's culture and demonstrate your genuine interest in the opportunity. 2.   Practice common interview questions : Anticipate and practice responses to common interview questions such as "Tell me about yourself," "Why are you interested in this position/company," and "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"    Practice articulating your experiences, skills, and achievements in a clear, concise, and compelling manner with refer

How to Prepare for Interview Questions: 10 Important Tips

While preparing answers for the  questions that are  frequently asked in a personal interview, it's essential to prepare thoughtful and strategic responses that can effectively showcase your experiences and suitability for the role.  The following 10 important tips can help you prepare in advance high-quality answers for the interview questions: 1.   Structure your response : Organize your response in a clear and structured manner to ensure coherence and effectiveness.       -  Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) for behavioural questions:  Situation: Set the context by describing the situation or challenge you faced. Task: Explain your responsibility or role in that situation. Action : Detail the steps you took to address the challenge or complete the task. Result: Share the outcome of your actions, highlighting the positive results or what you learned.           This helps you to provide a concise and well-organized answer.        -  Use the PEP method (Po